Christoffer Strandberg writes this year's greeting for Konstrundan magazine

14.06.2024 hrs 09:00

We are delighted to announce that Christoffer Strandberg, the renowned actor and presenter, has written this year's message for Konstrundan. Christoffer is a passionate advocate for arts and culture and his commitment is evident in everything he does.

In his message, "The magic of meeting", Christoffer reflects on the importance of experiencing art and culture in real life, beyond screens and digital filters. He reminds us of the value of being present in the same space as the artworks and the people who create them, and how these encounters enrich our lives in a way that digital experiences never can.

Konstrundan magazine is an annual publication that highlights the event, introduces participating artists and offers inspiration to art lovers across Finland. This year's issue will be published in early August and, in addition to Christoffer's message, contains artists interviews and all you need to know about Art Friday.

We are incredibly grateful for Christoffer's support and his insightful contribution to our magazine. His words capture the essence of what Konstrundan is all about - creating genuine encounters between artists and audiences, where all senses are engaged and inspired.

The magazine will be available both in print and online. You can read Christoffer's message and all other content on our website once the magazine is published. We look forward to sharing this special issue with you all and hope that you will be as inspired by Christoffer's words as we are.

Thank you, Christoffer, for your commitment and for highlighting the importance of arts and culture in our lives!

Konstrundan Helsingfors