Ostrobothnia: Carina Ahlskog

05.08.2024 hrs 18:22
Carina works with performative art, video and sculpture but has a background in both physiotherapy and dance. This means that she is very interested in the body and its movements.

"I think I've always had a performative mindset," she says. She started creating her own choreographies when she was very young. At the time, it wasn't about dance technique, but more about how she could express her feelings and thoughts through her body. "Dance was my passion for a long time, the ultimate expression of art, but over time I felt the need to dig deeper into the very essence of art, which led me to visual art." Through visual arts, Carina gained a deeper insight into how she could use body and movement as an artistic expression. "I like to pick out a detail and make a whole story out of it. The whole dramaturgy can be found in that small detail. That's very exciting for me." she says.  

Carina is fascinated by movement, which means that her creative work is usually based on some form of movement and combines her dance with visual art. In recent years, Carina has collaborated with various dance companies. "You could say that I seek the sculptural with a body in motion. It is especially the everyday movements that we have around us that fascinate me". By using familiar elements and minimizing them, Carina wants to give a new image of what it means to be human and how we can live together.  

The biggest challenge with Carina's artistic work, as with many other artists, is finances. Her works are often very expensive because they involve many other people, dancers, musicians etc. who also have to be paid for their part of the project. So far it has been possible thanks to grants, but every year is a bit of a worry. Many years Carina ends up starting her projects before she knows if she has received funding, which she describes as insecure for both herself and those involved. 

This is Carina's first year in Konstrundan. "I felt that now is the time to open up my creativity here at home". She says, explaining that she usually keeps her processes very much to herself and that the works are then shown in their entirety where they are displayed. But now Carina wants to take the opportunity to make herself more accessible through Konstrundan. Thus, she offers the viewer an opportunity for a deeper insight into her creative process and she hopes for many great discussions with Konstrundan visitors.

Heidi Stenberg