The 18th edition of Konstrundan will take place on Saturday and Sunday, September 6–7, 2025, when creative professionals across Finland open their studios to the public.
Konstrundanin tavoitteena on lisätä ymmärrystä nykytaiteesta, taidekäsityöstä ja muotoilusta Suomessa. Vuonna 2024 tapahtumaan osallistui 410 taiteilijaa, ja se houkutteli yli 28 000 vierailijaa.
Osallistujana saat:
- Näkyvyyttä Konstrundanin laajan markkinoinnin kautta
- Uusia kontakteja taidemaailmassa
- Mahdollisuuden taideteosten suoramyyntiin
- Kohtaamisia taiteesta kiinnostuneiden vierailijoiden kanssa, jotka voivat tulevaisuudessa olla asiakkaita tai yhteistyökumppaneita
The criteria for an accepted application are that you are a professional artist, artisan, designer or artist residencies. the application is personal and cannot be submitted jointly - working groups, collectives, and associations cannot, therefore, participate, but their individual members can submit their own applications. Artist residencies can apply to Konstrundan as their own entities, the application is filled in with the residency's information. You can read more about the application criteria on
We encourage you to inspire others by sharing on social media that you have applied to Konstrundan 2025. More open studios in an area generate greater interest and attract more visitors!
Konstrundan aims to strengthen the ability of professional creative practitioners to make a living from their work, which makes quality and continuity key factors in the jury's assessment. Please note that the jury is not familiar with previous applications, so the application form must include all relevant information.
The jury’s assessment criteria are based on the following:
- submitted application clearly states how you will present your work, including the creative process in the studio for visitors to see
- visual material
- curriculum vitae
- education, experience and professional activities
A few photography tips:
- Find a neutral background for your art piece, such as a wall, fabric, or floor. Get creative!
- Try to use as much natural light as possible, but avoid direct sunlight
- Use a tripod if possible
- Make sure the lens is clean!
- Take several pictures, it can be hard to get the perfect shot right away
- Edit the pictures you like the most
"Art is part of the pulse of our society – it moves, challenges, and inspires. At a time when creative professions face new challenges, it is more important than ever to highlight and value the work that artists do. Konstrundan provides opportunities for the public to meet artists in their studios, gain deeper insight into the creative process, and support artists directly. These encounters strengthen both the artistic landscape and the role of art in society," emphasises project leader Frida Gullichsen.