Participants for the 16th Konstrundan have been chosen

27.03.2023 hrs 16:28
Konstrundan is an established event organised annually in Finland since 2008. During Konstrundan, professional artists, artists and designers open their studios and workshops to the public.

KONSTRUNDAN 2–3.9.2023

This year Konstrundan takes place during the first weekend in September. During the weekend, participants keep their studios open from 11 am to 5 pm. Visitors can visit all and any of the participants of Konstrundan as well as participate in this year’s lottery, free of charge. Lottery prizes feature beautiful creations and products by this year’s participants.

Thanks to effective marketing and our previous participants spreading the word, we again received plenty of applications. All in all, 350 creatives will participate in this year’s Konstrundan. A list of this year’s participants can be found on Konstrundan’s website. A more extensive presentation of the participants will be published on the website in May. The aim of Konstrundan is to cultivate an understanding of Finnish contemporary art, crafts and design. Konstrundan supports its participants in their professional practice, creates new sales opportunities as well as creates a network the artists can make use of in their future work. “As a visitor, you are offered countless possibilities during Konstrundan. The wide range of lovely creative people, the exuberant ideas and all the different styles and materials become a big, colourful flower garden! Get to know this year’s participants and create your own bouquet”, encourages project leader Martina Lindberg.


The diversity of design and the splendour of colour are also nicely reflected in this year's illustration, which was made by the illustrator and graphic designer Timo Mänttäri. Timo is a Helsinki-based illustrator and graphic designer. He has illustrated magazines, and two children's books and designed a couple of hundred book covers. During the last ten years, Timo has mostly been employed in his family's company, Kehvola Design. Kehvola's colourful postcards, calendars and games are not only sold in Finnish museums and bookstores but also in Germany and Japan. Besides drawing, Timo likes museums, marzipan and old movies.

Konstrundan Helsingfors