177. Bo Torgé - Art Torgé

Konstverk av Bo TorgéPorträtt Bo Torgé


Jomalagårdsväg 41
22150 Jomala


Painting, Sculpture

Information about the artist / the group

A central idea for me is the form, which should be a path to experience for the viewer who should be able to fill it in with their imagination. I like to call my paintings "objects", as you associate the paintings with the idea of a form, which came about as the end result of an inner experience or an idea. In my objects I use different numbers of shapes. They are represented in different long series and in a certain system for each object. The uniformity and symmetry of the paintings allows for growth and is given the opportunity for great variety. There are no limits here. Geometry is important in my paintings, but never as an end in itself, it wants to tell us something.

Program during Konstrundan

"Try your hand at painting"