195. Anneli Hilli

Anneli Hilli, Linnunrata, metsäjalava/linnunmuna, 20x15,  2022Anneli HilliAnneli Hilli, Hurmio, öljy levylle,  40x40, 2021, Anneli Hilli,  Aamunkoi, Tempera/öljy kankaalle, 120x 170, 2022


Pyhän Henrikintie 681 A
27750 Köyliö


040 750 5554


Graphic art, Painting, Sculpture, Wood

Information about the artist / the group

I am Anneli Hilli, visual artist, printmaker, painter. I work winters in Espoo and summers in Köyliö, which now belongs to Säkylä. In Köyliö, my workroom is a former school called "Tyytty", built in 1926 at Tuohiniemi elementary school. I work with many different technologies, e.g. in paintings I use acrylic, oil, tempera, beeswax, color pigments. The graphics use e.g. monotype, etching, letterpress, woodcut technique. My works always have a narrative, even if the work is abstract. Colors create feelings and stories. The most important thing in my production is the colorful color palette combined with the rhythmic narrative of the form. My visual language is semi-abstract. The most typical thing for me is to get to the edge of something new, in colors, shapes, observations.

Program during Konstrundan

I am organizing an art exhibition. I will also present my earlier production. Workroom working.

https://www.kuvataiteilijamatrikkeli.fi/taiteilija/anneli-hilli, Facebook: Anneli Hilli, Instagram: anneli_hilli

Driving directions

From Helsinki-Pori road in Huittinen 14 km Rauma road. Signpost Yttilä to the left. Pyhän Henrikintie approx. 4 km. After a sharp bend 30 m is Tyytty is on the left.