53. Carita Nissinen - Taiteilijayhdistys Tapaus ry

Carita Nissinen, Pinky sky, akryyli, 90x90cm, 2023Carita Nissinen, omakuva 2023Carita Nissinen, Kaukana kaikesta, akryyli, 116x89cm, 2023Carita Nissinen, Calm waters, akryyli, 89x116x2cm, 2024Carita Nissinen, Maailman laidalla, akryyli, 50x70x2cm, 2023


Viertolantie 2-4
00730 Helsinki - Helsingfors


+358 400 789917


Photography, Crafts, Graphic art, Painting, Sculpture, Visual arts, Wood

Information about the artist / the group

Structure and color of the patterns in a painting inspires me. My art is characterized by the display of my own inner mood, not so much by photographic reproduction. Painting with different tools frees me from precise brushwork, giving the desired free interpretation of the workflow. I try to create contrasts with colors and images.
I express myself extensively and use a variety of technics from paintings to photography as well as three-dimensional works.
My range of colors is wide, but I always try to gain a harmonious outcome. The painting can be colorful or reduced to black-white-gray.
Paintings are descriptive but I don’t do it photographically, instead I let my emotions reflect in the painting.

Program during Konstrundan

Art exhibition and sale event of art crafts, opportunity to get to know the artist's studio

Driving directions

Ateljee Tapaus is situated in Tapanila factory -building, near Tapanila railway station, 2nd floor, no elevator.