231. Kajsa Lassander - Kajsas Konst

"Kompisar". Keramik. Höjd 25-30 cm. År 2023 Foto Kajsa LassanderKajsa Lassander. År 2024. Ateljen i Finby. Foto: Fanny Lassander"Vårblommor". Keramik. Höjd 40 cm. År 2024. Foto: Kajsa Lassander"Lavafat". Keramik. År 2024. Diameter 30 cm. Foto : Kajsa Lassander"Vattendroppar". År 2023. Keramiktavla. 40x40 cm. Foto: Kajsa Lassander


Stationsvägen 95 B
64230 Närpes st





Information about the artist / the group

During Konstrundan, I welcome visitors to my ceramics workshop. I have worked with arts and crafts and created ceramics for about 30 years.
Sometimes I also use ceramics in my paintings.
I work with coiling, tumbling and rolling. I cast utensils and express myself through the colors of the glazes.
My ceramics workshop is adjacent to my farm. Here I hold courses for children and adults, also courses for the Adult Institute. I have sales and often groups visiting.

Program during Konstrundan

During Konstrundan I show the steps from clay to finished work, also work demonstration.
Serving and sales.

Driving directions

Drive along Östanåkersvägen and turn off onto Stationsvägen. Or come via Kristinestadsvägen and turn off on Stationsvägen.