44. Jan Henriksson

Hare, sittande 2024Jan (Janne) Henriksson jobbar i sin ateljéBerguv och björnar, 2021Fågelbad, 2020Havsörn


Eidisvägen 261
07390 Stor-Pellinge




Crafts, Design

Information about the artist / the group

My animal sculptures are a result of my nature experiences and ideas as well as my professional background as a taxidermist and and wildlife film photographer. The art of sculpture became familiar to me already during the conservator training and has over the years resulted in a large number of figures. The newest model was completed in the winter of 2023-2024. The skulptures are cast in concrete and many of them get their individual patination already in the studio.

Program during Konstrundan

Terttu tells about painting with tempera and gives work samples. Janne presents concrete sculptures and fountains with animal motifs.

We offer organic juice with snacks.

Driving directions

Gallery ArtMarina is located on the island of Suurpellinki, at approximately 36 km from Porvoo. After leaving the ferry, please follow the gallery signs until your arrive to the destination. Also by boat N60˚12´2 O 25