244. Susanne Broända - ART - KONST - TAIDE

Susanne Broända, Spring, akryl och bläck på grafikpaper, 79 x 107 cm, 2023Susanne Broända, foto Aamod and Sophelia KorhonenSusanne Broända, Flying, akryl och bläck på grafikpaper, 107 x 79 cm, 2022Susanne Broända, Self-reflection, akryl och bläck på grafikpaper, 107 x 79 cm, 2022Susanne Broända, Changing direction, akryl och bläck på grafikpaper, 200 x 125 cm, 2023


Långkärrvägen 5
65760 Iskmo




Painting, Sculpture

Information about the artist / the group

I’m an artist from Iskmo who mainly paint in acrylic and ink on printmaking paper but also creates sculptures from wood, metal, and rope. My absolute favorite motif, no matter in which form of expression, are birds. These birds are stripped down in their figurative language, and I usually place them in a form of abstract worlds and existences. I describe my art as a mixture between wakefulness and dreams because with it I want to build a bridge between the intangible and the mundane.

The background to my creations is an alternative spiritual view of life and my major sources of inspiration are inner personal development and the enigmatic. I’ve always felt a strong connection to animals, and the energy of life and it’s this sensitive to energies that I use as one of my tools when creating.

Program during Konstrundan

During Konstrundan, visitors can see my art, both paintings and sculptures. Some of the paintings have digital layers that can be seen/heard via an app, which can be downloaded to phones or tablets. These digital layers have been greatly appreciated by all ages during my exhibitions. It will also be possible to buy my art, both larger and smaller paintings as well as high quality posters and postcards. There will be coffee/tea and snacks.


Driving directions

The address is Långkärrvägen 5 65760 Iskmo. (Note that there is no "s" in the street address, then you will be shown to the wrong place.) Here you can see the directions: https://maps.app.goo.gl/VXPmPmTDCXezEaweA?g_st=ic

If you are coming from Vaasa and you drive along Alskatvägen, turn right at the road crossing where the sign says Smedsby Jungsund. After that, you can almost immediately turn left onto Långkärrvägen. Our red wooden house is visible from the road and is the first house on the left. On the fence there is a sign that says ART KONST TAIDE.