25. Anne Rantanen - Ateljee Punabambu

Anne Rantanen, Jump in- Ateljee Punabambu, photo Anne RantanenAnne Rantanen, Discovery, photo Tiina PasanenAnne Rantanen,Blue wings, chinese inkpaiinting on ricepaper, 70x50 cm, 2023, photo Anne RantanenAnne Rantanen, Butterfly effect, chinese inkpainting on ricepaper, 60 x 50 cm, 2022,  photo Anne RantanenAnne Rantanen,Ready to go, 60x35 cm, 2023, chinese inkipainting, photo Anne Rantanen


Svinhufvudinkatu 23 A 18 4 krs
15110 Lahti




Environmental art, Painting, Visual arts

Information about the artist / the group

On April Fool's Day in 2016, Lahti became my hometown again after having lived in different contries for 24 years. As a souvenir I brought with me this art, chinese inkpainting, where the beautiful and the true go hand in hand. I have been studying Chinese ink painting on rice paper since 1981. First in Bangkok, then early 2020 in Geneva and now in Lahti. After participating in the activities of the Painthouse studio community I was encouraged to keep painting afternoons and short courses at the Wellamo college.
I work also on thin rice paper with water and fire. It leaves the same mark as global warming on our habitat.

Program during Konstrundan

My painings from different years are on display in the studio and in the premises of the work community. Upon request, the aI can demonstrate both the different strokes of the bamboo brush and the use of Chinese ink and colors on rice paper. At the same time, you can familiarize yourself with these tools. The most enthusiastic can also try how the chinese brush and ink works on the rice paper and paint their own glass coaster to take with.


Driving directions

Step 23 A can be found in the rear corner of the parking lot in the courtyard on the left. In Google maps, the place can be found at the same address as Nick's Dancing ry.