89. Sirkka Peisa - Studio Melko

Sirkka Peisa, Musta tuli, akryyli, 60x73x2 cm, 2024Sirkka Peisa, työhuoneellaSirkka Peisa, Uuden alku, akryyli,  60x50x1,5 cm, 2023Sirkka Peisa, Kontrastien kauneus, akryyli,  73x60x2 cm, 2023Sirkka Peisa, Valoisa lehvästö, akryyli, 100x81x2 cm, 2023


Melkonkatu 28 D 4. krs
00210 Helsinki





Accessible for persons with reduced mobility

Information about the artist / the group

Most of my adult life has been nothing but painting and only in later life has art-making filled my days. I mainly paint abstract paintings with acrylic and oil. Something that has been seen or experienced in the past is the inspiration for the paintings. My works do not necessarily have a story or narrative, they are a description of a single moment, atmosphere or view. My habit is to change often the way I make and present my paintings. I get to know new methods and techniques with interest.

A large number of art teachers have developed my painting skills over the years. I have participated in numerous exhibitions.

Program during Konstrundan

Members of our working group will set up an exhibition of our works in the large hall connected to our workspace.