121. Viktor Khachtchanski - Unspoken Prophecy by Victor X

Victor X - Desert Monk, fragment, 2024, oil on canvas, 70x50cmVictor X Victor X - Quiet Haven, 2023, oil on canvas, 120x100cmVictor X - Conversation with Departed Friends, 2023, oil on canvas, 90x70cmVictor X- On the Red Side, 2023, oil on canvas, 55x46cm


Teerikuja 3 B 18
10320 Karjaa




Photography, Painting, Sound art, Video and media art

Information about the artist / the group

Viktor"X" Khachtchanski got a diploma in graphic design along with a Master’s degree in audio engineering. While working full-time as an engineer, he was also a graphic designer at a jazz club in the 80s and 90s.
Viktor has lived in Finland since 2000. He has held several solo exhibitions in Finland (inc. Kirkkonummi, Turku, Helsinki, Karjaa, and Kotka). Viktor is a member of Helsinki International Artists’ Association (HIAA) and Ekenäs Konstförening. He participated in over twenty group exhibitions around Finland, Russia, and Spain during the last fifteen years.
Viktor’s artistic style could be described as music-influenced abstractionism combined with surrealistic appearance.

Program during Konstrundan

Victor will show his recently completed paintings and those in progress. Extra time is needed to see the collection of older works. Victor will also present his personal set of rules "How to paint good abstract works" which is a core of his program typically given to students.
Special performance: music generated from paintings; time will be confirmed upon reservation.

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