1. Sari Hakala

Sari Hakala, Mähösen musiikkikauppa, (yksityiskohta), sarjasta Keikkakuvia, akryyli kankaalle, 60x50, 2022. Kuvaaja: Sari Hakala.Sari HakalaSari Hakala, 017Fest, livemaalausta, 50x40, akryyli kankaalle, 2023. Kuvaaja: Sari HakalaSari Hakala, Amuri, kaupungin äänet (yksityiskohta), sarjasta Keikkakuvia, akryyli kankaalle, 50x40, 2022. Kuvaaja: Sari Hakala.


Kunnankatu 2
74120 Iisalmi




Photography, Graphic art, Painting, Visual arts

Information about the artist / the group

I am a painter, visual arts teacher and freelance writer. I live and work in the old fire station, near the city centre, on the main street. The small town provides a nice shelter and peace for my work and the fire station as a working space tops it off.

Program during Konstrundan

The doors to the workshop are open to visitors, including the courtyard. A coffee buffet, a sketch flea market and the opportunity to see my work. I work in the space as normal, so the contact with the conditions of art work is authentic. Pets are welcome.

Driving directions

Access to the fire station is via Kunnankatu. Also via Pohjolankatu for walkers and cyclists