55. Tiina Kuusisto - Työhuone Ilo

Oma kuva Tiina KuusistoTaiteilija TiinaTiina Kuusisto, Kevään kuiskaus, öljy kankaalle, 89x116 cm, 2024, Tiina KuusistoTiina Kuusisto, Sinisen kosketus, öljy kankaalle, 54x65 cm, 2024, Tiina KuusistoTiina Kuusisto, Kudelmia, öljy kankaalle, 60x50 cm, 2024, Tiina Kuusisto


Linnanherrankuja 8
00950 Helsinki





Information about the artist / the group

I'm from Imatra and live in Helsinki. I paint at my studio in Vartioharju or at my summer cottage in Sipoo archipelago. Being an islander is close to my heart. As an artist, I want to learn new things all the time and experiment with different techniques. I combine figurative and abstract elements in my artwork. At the moment I am exploring colours and combining them together in an open-minded way. Colours bring joy and light into the world. My paintings are often colourful and nature themed. What appeals to me in nature is the formal language, the colour scheme and the diversity found there. Nature is part of my life, my everyday life and my art. Now I want to create beauty around me.

Program during Konstrundan

Visitors will be able to mix colours and learn about the origins and history of colours. I will tell them about combining colours and how different colours can be used to create depth effects, shapes, lights and shadows in paintings.

www.tiinakuusisto.com, Facebook: https://facebook.com/tiina.kuusisto.777, Instagram: @artisttiinakuusisto


Driving directions

Turn right from Itäväylä next to Teboil and then to the left. Studio is at the end of the road on your right. Studio is at the basement. You can park your car on the yard or at the parking place opposite the Studio. You can also take a bus 97, 831, 844 or 842 from Itäkeskus. The right stop to step out is in front of Teboil.