273. Suvi Mannonen



Huvipolku 3
90830 Haukipudas


+358 40 844 1780


Drawing, Graphic art, Painting

Information about the artist / the group

I am a visual artist and a big fan of Italy. The "Bootland" is still a great mystery to me, but a major source of inspiration. As an artist, I value beauty and goodness and I hope that it is also transmitted through the works. I get excited about new materials, but mostly I use oil, acrylic and pastel painting. I often add charcoal, silver leafs, decoupage and different cracking methods to my works. Old book covers and documents are favourite materials, but I also like the roughness of concrete, which I often use in my phototransfer technique.

Program during Konstrundan

I will tell about the different techniques I use and as a work demonstration, the printing of graphics.