45. Birgit Walander galleri

Birgit Walander - Vapaana - 84x86 -pigmentti MDF ,kangas -2023-kuvaaja Ronny oleniusBirgit Walander - Ateljee kuva-2023-Ronny OleniusBirgit Walander-seikkailu -pigmentti kangas MDF kangas-2023-kuvaaja Ronny OleniusBirgit Walander-2024-jälki-pigmentti kankaalle-kuva Birgit walander


Nya Borgavägen 877
01120 Västerskog




Ceramics, Drawing, Painting, Spatial art

Information about the artist / the group

I am Birgit Walander. I graduated as a visual artist on September 12, 2023, from Alfa Art Art School. I paint things that make me happy. The forest surrounds my studio. I walk from home to there along a forest path with dogs accompanying me in summers and winters. I paint in the evenings and on weekends after my barber work. When painting, my sense of time disappears thinking about colors and shapes. I started painting at a community college, there have been several teachers over the years. I attended courses at the Repin Institute in Espoo for 5 years doping classic drawing and painting. Welcome to visit my studio.

Facebook: birgitwalander, Instagram: walanderbirgit

Driving directions

From Porvoo motorway E18, takrt the Massby exit, go about 400m on the 170 Uusi Porvoontie Road towards Söderkulla, and after the bus stop turn right.