245. Peter Borotinskij - VILLA HAVSBORG

ContemplationPeter Borotinskij - Självporträtt
AftonrodnadMad DogTremolo


VILLA HAVSBORG Kolaskärsvägen 104
65800 Replot


0400 97 27 47


Design, Graphic art, Painting, Visual arts

Information about the artist / the group

In addition to the traditional Ostrobothnian landscape painting in oil, I have also started working with a more semi-abstract expression in watercolour. I process the substrate with different tools and work in parallel with two different techniques, both oil paintings and watercolors.

Program during Konstrundan

I receive the visitors who can ask questions about my painting and artistry and tell more in detail about my painting technique approach and also show the practical execution.

Driving directions

Drive over the Replot bridge approx. 2 km to sign 60 km. About 100 meters after, turn left onto Bagarvägen. Follow Bagarvägen all the way to the Kolaskärsvägen sign, drive about 1 km and you're there.