199. Tea Söderlund - Portait Studio

{TES} Unknown measures, mekaanisia piirroksia, 2023Tea SöderlundTea Söderlund, Post-still-life, videoinstallatio, 2023{TES} mediataideryhmä: Tea Söderlund, Eetu Henttonen ja Sami Luusalo{TES} Unknown measures, videoinstallaatio


Antinkatu 33 A
28130 Pori




Photography, Drawing, Others, Painting, Sound art, Spatial art, Textile, Video and media art

Information about the artist / the group

Tea Söderlund has worked actively as both an artist and an all-round cultural worker. Her diverse artistic endeavours, including paintings, media art and installations, have dealt with subjects such as identity, roles and norms. Her works usually take shape during long periods of time and form conceptual ensembles that are composed of recycled materials.
Tea Söderlund is a founding member of the {TES} media art group, which has been operating since 2018. The group's works have been exhibited in numerous exhibitions and events, for example, at the Rauma Art Museum and Mänttä Art Festival. Their installations and digital projections aim to find and create new connections and relationships between the digital and physical realities.

Program during Konstrundan

The media group {TES} makes prints with a mechanical plotter.

www.instagram.com/tes_art/, www.instagram.com/portait.studio/

Driving directions

You’ll find the entrance to the Portait studio from the inner courtyard. The studio is located in the basement of the building.