268. Tiina Seppälä - Kuvataidetila Kakru

Tiina Seppälä, Rikkinäinen ranta (yksityiskohta), paperiveistosinstallaatio, 140x60x40cm, 2021, kuvaaja Tiina Seppälä
Tiina Seppälä henkilökuva, kuvaaja Juuso HaaralaTiina Seppälä, Alut, maalattu keramiikka, n. 10x10x10cm, 2018, kuvaaja Tiina SeppäläTiina Seppälä, Hernevariantti, betoni ja paperi, n. 60x60x20cm ilman jalustaa, 2022, kuvaaja Tiina SeppäläTiina Seppälä, Kantakääpä, patinoitu keramiikka, 140x60cm, 2019, uvaaja Tiina Seppälä


Mäkelininkatu 41 LH
90120 OULU




Ceramics, Environmental art, Sculpture, Spatial art, Textile, Wood

Information about the artist / the group

I am a sculptor who graduated from Kankaanpää Art School in 2007 and currently live in Oulu. In my works, I often deal with vulnerability, time and change. The starting point is always either a three-dimensional shape or a material, the working of which creates an association with the final subject. The message of the work can be serious and sometimes even brutal, but it is often also spiced with a touch of humour. At my studio in the Kakru Art Space, you can get acquainted with the background and techniques of my works.

Program during Konstrundan

I present my works and tell about the materials and my working methods.

Instagram: @tiinamiina_seppala

Driving directions

Own entrance from the end facing the street, down the stairs