94. Elli Maanpää

Elli Maanpää, Metrotyttö, akryyli kankaalle, 46 x 55 cm, 2024. Kuvaaja: Elli MaanpääElli Maanpää ateljeella. Takana akryylimaalaukset. Vasemmalla: Entä sitten, 100 x 150 cm, 2022. Oikealla: Metrotyttö, 46 x 55 cm, 2024. Kuvaaja: Elli MaanpääElli Maanpää, Self Care, akryyli kankaalle, 46 x 55 cm, 2024. Kuvaaja: Elli MaanpääElli Maanpää, Päästä irti, akryyli kankaalle, 46 x 55 cm, 2024. Kuvaaja: Elli Maanpää


Mechelininkatu 13 LH2
00100 Helsinki




Drawing, Painting, Video and media art, Visual arts

Information about the artist / the group

Elli Maanpää (b. 1985 Turku) is a visual artist who graduated from the Department of Art at Aalto University and Turku Arts Academy. She has actively held solo exhibitions and participated in group exhibitions both in Finland and abroad. Solo exhibitions have been held, among others, at B-gallery, Cultural Center Vanha Paukku, and P-gallery. Her works are included in collections such as SataSairaala, Lohja Museum, and the Post Museum.

Program during Konstrundan

The studio serves as a personal gallery space during the Konstrundan period, showcasing both new paintings and works from previous years.

Driving directions

The studio is located next to the Favela restaurant on Mechelininkatu. About 500 m from Kamppi metro station.