48. Annika Brandt - Artborg 35

Annika Brandt, Tankens kraft, akryl på duk, 40 x 40 cm, 2024, fotograf: Annika BrandtAnnika Brandt / i arbetsrummet / ArtborgAnnika Brandt, Satoi tai paistoi, blandteknik, 80 x 120 cm, 2021 
Fotograf: Annika Brandt
Annika Brandt / Under bar himmel, flytande tusch och akryl på papper, 37 x 55 cm, 2023 
Fotograf: Annika Brandtexempel på mina olika verk i arbetsrummet, 
fotograf Annika Brandt


Pilvilinnantie 2
04130 Nickby / Nikkilä




Drawing, Graphic art, Painting, Visual arts

Accessible for persons with reduced mobility

Information about the artist / the group

I have a Master of Arts degree from the Aalto University School of Art and Design. I work as a visual artist, do placements as an art educator and hold own art courses.

My way of working is often based on the fact that I combine my experiences into something important and current. I observe the environment, make visual notes of what fascinates me. Often, the work that ends up on canvas or paper has a completely different content history than the original idea that started it all. Acrylic and oil paints, oil chalks or liquid ink are my main tools. In several of my works I use mixed media. Using mixed media gives me a sense of freedom, joy and spontaneity. Actually crystallizes the content of my artwork.

Program during Konstrundan

I am happy to talk about the works on display, also curious to hear the visitors' own interpretations of the works that arouse interest. I will introduce the different techniques I use. My artist portfolio is on display for visitors to view. A number of drafts are on display for closer inspection. I'm happy to discuss making art as a profession, in general anything that visitors want to discuss. I can also be quiet, giving visitors peace to experience the creative visual environment themselves.

www.annikabrandt.com, Instagram: @annikabrandtinsta #annikabrandtinsta