119. Hanna Holma - Hub Feenix

Hanna Holma, Innostunut prinsessa, 17 x 17 cm, monotypia, 2017Hanna Holma, henkilökuvaHanna Holma, Suurenmoinen, hulmuava jalokivimeri, jossa menetyksetkin näyttäytyvät
arvokkaina, hohtavina kiteinä ja suurennuslaseina johonkin... 120 x 160 cm, monotypia, 2012Hanna Holma, Maljani on ylitsevuotavainen, 15 x 21 cm, monotypia, 2017Hanna Holma, Voimallisen linnun kannattelija, 21 x 29 cm, Suminagashi-marmorointi ja kohopaino, 2023


Högbenintie 30
10350 Meltola


040 718 6644


Graphic art

Accessible for persons with reduced mobility

Information about the artist / the group

I am a printmaker and illustrator. I live partly in Helsinki, but mostly in Hub Feenix, where I also have my studio. I make monotypes, unique colorful graphic prints, the size of which varies between approximately 10x10cm and 160x240cm.
When I realize how great a gift life is, an image often sails before my eyes. Those of my works that are most meaningful to me are based on such moments of gratitude.

Program during Konstrundan

In my studio, there are my monotypes on display - colorful, unique graphic works. Hub Feenix is an isnpiring art and well-being event center established in 2020 in the historical 15,000m2 sanatorium building of Meltola. During Konstrundan Hub Feenix cafe is open, we have open doors and the visitors have the opportunity to tour the entire building.


Driving directions

The art and well-being center Hub Feenix is located in Raasepori, one hour west of Helsinki (an hour from Turku as well), 10 km from Karjaa towards Lohja, by the Hanko-Hyvinkää road between Karjaa and Mustio.