116. Meri Kukkavaara – Kirkkonummen Taidemökki

Korpp' on viisain mustasulka, sysimäellä syntynyt / akryyli 100x140cmTuulen tuivertamana syntyy uusia ajatuksiaTaiteilija inspiraation ja värien keskelläKultasiipi, vaskivarvas, otsalla Otavan tähti / akryyli 100x140cmMaailmojen välissä


Pappilantie 1 b
02400 Kirkkonummi


040 5405940


Photography, Others, Painting

Information about the artist / the group

I got my classical art training in the renaissance city of Florence, and at the moment my main mediums are painting and photography. You can see old Finnish nature mythology in my paintings, and in photography I do both black&white street photos and colorful nature and travel photography.
I'm curious to try out new ways and materials, so I might be working on collages and small constellation paintings side by side. That is to say, my work spreads wide but there's almost always connection to nature in it.

Program during Konstrundan

I will have an exhibition of my works (paintings, cyanotypes, photos, collages) and I will arrange a few workshops both days where the participants can make their own concertina painting workbooks.

Driving directions

The Art House is accessible from Volsintie (below the house), just a few steps up from the walkway.