153. Teija Lehto

Teija Lehto, Tarpeettomat, Puupiirros, 2023, 51 x 49 cm
Teija Lehto henkilökuva
Teija Lehto, Keittiössä kypsytään, Puupiirros, 2023, 15 x 21 cm
Teija Lehto, Mennään ja tullaan, Puupiirros, 2023, 81 x 72 cm
Teija Lehto, Kuihtumisnäytelmä, Puupiirros, 2023, 61 x 85 cm


Ruokolinnantie 244
21540 Preitilä




Graphic art

Information about the artist / the group

I have been working as an artist for 26 years. I make graphic arts, mostly reduction woodcuts with many colours. The theme of my prints is usually everyday views in the kitchen. You can see dirty dishes, vegetable peels and empty bread bags in my pictures. I make also etchings in small size. I have been active in holding exhibitions. I also teach graphic arts to adults.

Program during Konstrundan

I have hung my prints on the walls. I show how to make a woodcut and how to make etchings. There are small prints for sale.
