99. Marja Salerto - Keramiikkapaja Fem

Marja Salerto, Pöllöt, raku-keramiikka, korkeus 10cm-30 cm, vuosi 2023, kuvaaja: Marja SalertoMarja Salerto, kuvaaja: Marja SalertoMarja Salerto, kipot, dreijattu kivitavara, vuosi 2023, kuvaaja: Sara YlijärviMarja Salerto, pikkupöllö, rakukeramiikka, korkeus 15 cm, vuosi 2023, kuvaaja: Marja SalertoMetsätalotMarja Salerto, Talot, grafiikkaa keramiikalle, korkeus 17 cm - 40 cm, vuosi 2024, kuvaaja: Marja Salerto


Raisiontie 5
00280 Helsinki




Ceramics, Design

Information about the artist / the group

Besides my previous pedagogical and art education diplomas, I have completed my pottery artisan training. Together with my colleagues I do pottery in our small pottery workshop in Ruskeasuo, Helsinki. I work mainly with slab building and slip casting, producing functional ware. I also do raku ceramic. I enjoy clear forms, and my inspiration arises mainly from nature.

Program during Konstrundan

At the Konstrundan event our studio will be open for visitors. You can meet me and the other ceramicists. We will present our studio and tell you about our work. The visitors have an opportunity to buy our ceramic products.

-, Webshop: -, Facebook: -, Instagram: @ceramicsmarja / https://www.instagram.com/ceramicsmarja?igsh=YzAwZjE1ZTIOZg==


Driving directions

Raisiontie 5, at the east end of the apartment building, the stairs lead to the basement floor where the studio is.