205. Taina Nurmi

taina nurmi-ILO-22x22x2cm-dreijattu-2024-kuvaaja taina nurmiTaina Nurmi kuvaaja Ilari MehtonenTaina Nurmi-toivoa täynnä- käsinrakennettu-27x11x13 cm-2023-kuvaaja taina nurmiTaina Nurmi-womanly- 22x38x23cm-dreijattu-2023-kuvaaja taina nurmiTaina Nurmi-Martti- käsinrakennettu-rakupoltettu-28x30x20cm-2023-kuvaaja taina nurmi


Tupurlantie 7 b
38420 Sastamala





Accessible for persons with reduced mobility

Information about the artist / the group

I graduated as an artisan in 2010 and since then I have been teaching various handicraft courses, e.g. ceramics and ceramics courses. In Mouhijärvi, Tupurlantie, I have a pottery workshop with a capacity of more than 20 students. In the same premises
there is also a large ceramics shop. I make both decorative and utilitarian ceramics. A new ILO pottery is under construction. In the workshop I organize courses of the Sastamalan opisto, my own e.g. Dreijaus- and jig courses as well as courses on demand.

Program during Konstrundan

During the event you can participate in a wax painting workshop. During the event, I will be guiding wax painting in the clay workshop. We will paint landscapes and flowers with beeswax using a small iron. If you wish, you can have us make you a laminated tablecloth from the card you paint right away for a fee.

The material fee for the wax painting workshop is 2€/card.

Driving directions

The Taina pottery is located in Mouhijärvi (Häijää), Sastamala, in the immediate vicinity of Porintie.