49. Juha-Pekka Ikäheimo - PikkuGALLERIA

Juha-Pekka Ikäheimo: I Want More Of Your Marmelade!Juha-Pekka Ikäheimo ja teos "Can´t let go"Juha-Pekka Ikäheimon näyttely Fuengirolassa 2022 "Keltaiset - Las AmarillasJuha-Pekka Ikäheimo: NO-NAME


Kivistöntie 2
04600 Mäntsälä


050 5755 084


Ceramics, Drawing, Painting, Visual arts

Information about the artist / the group

I often paint quickly in an expressionistic and sometimes abstract style. My favorite technique is acrylic on canvas or MDF board added with marker/oil paint etc.. ” I have had numerous exhibitions since 2004. As an artist, I am self-taught, and luckily I still have a lot to learn (is it the wisdom of life to realize that you don't know everything?). However, I know what pleases my eye and what doesn't. When I start a new work, I often have no idea what my new painting is about, and in the end the end result surprises even me. Sometimes I feel like I'm just a tool with which I bring my painting to life."

Program during Konstrundan

Mäntsälä Art Association's PikkuGALLERIA exhibits my latest new production, as well as my older art. Also for sale are postcards and other printed products.

www.ikaheimo.net, Instagram: art_ikaheimo