10. Viivi Kiiskinen

Yksityiskohta kasvusto- installaatiosta / 2023 / teoskuva Timo AhjotuliHenkilökuvaKasvusto installaatio /  2023 / Kosketus-näyttely, Tyynelä GalleryPinkit piirakkapajatYksityiskohta Shelter 2.0. teoksen sisältä / 2023 / Tyynelä Gallery


Tainionkoskentie 3
55100 Imatra




Ceramics, Crafts, Design, Drawing, Painting, Spatial art, Textile, Visual arts

Information about the artist / the group

I am a visual artist (AMK) and I work with soft and hard materials. I use a lot of readymade and recycled materials in my works. The material of the works can be textile or even ceramics, as long as it's pink ;)

Program during Konstrundan

Welcome to get to know my pink world, you can also participate in the pink pie workshop if you want!

Driving directions

Yellow building (former police house), you will find the entrance in pink.