52. Kati Leskinen

Kati Leskinen.Face to Face 2024. Chineseink, 18x13cm. Kati LeskinenKati Leskinen. I’ll Help You 2023-2024, chineseink. 50x35cm. Kati Leskinen.Kati Leskinen, De Luxus -hetki parvekkeen alla II 2024, ink, 16x20 cm. Kati LeskinenKati Leskinen. The Shoe 2008/2023. ceramic (barrel-firing technique). Kati LeskinenKati Leskinen. The Onion 2021/2023, ceramic (barrel-firing technique).


Malminiityntie 20 a
01350 Vantaa




Ceramics, Drawing, Painting, Visual arts

Accessible for persons with reduced mobility

Information about the artist / the group

Since 2017, I had exhibitions and my works pop up on the walls of white galleries, and sometimes the figures run away in the form of stickers on electric poles. I mostly paint with black ink, but in recent years I've been alongside ceramic sculptures. In the paintings, there are rugged human grinning images that speak, either out recent years I've been alongside ceramic sculptures. In the paintings, there are rugged human grinning images that speak, either out loud or having an inner conversation. I am currently into smoking ceramics and the sculptures are more realistic than the paintings are more urban or comic art.

Program during Konstrundan

The artists have a group exhibition in the corridor.

https://katileskinen.wordpress.com/, Instagram: @katileskine

Driving directions

Entrance from the street side.