46. Tero Annanolli - Art Annanolli Akatemia

Tero Annanolli, Art Annanolli AkatemiaTero Annanolli AteljeessaRauha, tussi pellavakankaalle 114x114 cm 2023Tero Annanolli, Virginie, tussi ja akryyli kankaalle 148 x  124 cm 2023


Iso Kylätie 43
04130 Sipoo




Painting, Visual arts

Information about the artist / the group

Tero Annanolli graduated with a master's degree in art in 2004 and completed his studies in 2015 as an artist at the University of the Arts' Theater College as part of the organizations in the education program. Annanoll's works are in domestic and foreign collections. He is also a gold medalist at the 2012 London Art Olympics. Annanolli knows art history very well. However, he will never get stuck in history. He brings us old-fashioned echoes of beauty, but always in a renewing way and with an eye towards the future. The beauty of his works is not the repetition of the old ones that have been seen many times, because he combines boldly. His works may combine Byzantine gold splendor, Japanese delicate drawing and Caravaggio-like theatrical use of light.
