225. Kristiina Lempiäinen-Trzaska - Laukaan taideateljeet

Hän kehotti katsomaan tarkemminKristiina Lempiäinen-Trzaska, kuvataiteilijaEnnen kuin valot sammuvat, 2023, akryylimaalaus kankaalleVartiovuoro, 2019, tussipiirustusKesän tuoksu, 2021, maalausinstallaatio


Tyttökodinkuja 3-4
41340 Laukaa


Drawing, Painting, Visual arts

Information about the artist / the group

I am a visual artist. At the moment I am focusing on painting and drawing. Over the years, the work has been emphasized in different ways: drawings, paintings, woodcuts, spatial works, performances, mosaics and stagings.

I have held several solo exhibitions and participated in numerous group and joint exhibitions in Finland and abroad. In addition, I have worked as a scenographer for performances by choirs and theater and dance groups. I work in the art field in positions of trust as well as jurying and teaching positions in my field.

I am a member of MUU ry, Jyväskylä Artists' Society, Kotka Artists' Society and Kuvasto.

Program during Konstrundan

The artist presents her works and tells about their starting points and the stories behind them.

www.lempiainentrzaska.com, Instagram: klt_visualartist
