57. Leena Räsänen – Roihupellon Taidekortteli

Rulla, akryyli pöytälevylle liimatulle kankaalle, 66 x 66 cm, 2022Höttöä, öljy ja akvarelli kankaalle, 55 x 55 cm, 2023 Painetta, öljy ja akvarelli kankaalle, 55 x 55 cm, 2023Vaihtoehtoja, öljy ja akryyli kankaalle, 82 x 82 cm, 2021Suma, öljy MDF-levylle, 86 x 59 cm, 2023


Levytie 2–4





Information about the artist / the group

I am a painter and my techniques are a variety of mixed media, using oil, acrylic, watercolour and crayon. The starting point for recent works is reed, both as a material and as a theme. Rust in the cupboards, rust around, rust on the mind. Recycled pieces of wood, fabrics and slats serve as a base. The properties of the bases I find provide the starting point for the works, and chance also has an influence on the starting points of the works. A work starts to build in my mind when I see a suitable base in a junkyard or at a flea market. I exploit the shapes, grooves, textures and imperfections of the ground, incorporating them as elements of the painting. A new world is built on top of an old one.

Program during Konstrundan

My works are visible and for sale at my studio.