68. Tytti Lindström

Tytti Lindström, Hidden Gems of the Loneliest Woods, kolmen puettavan seinäteoksen sarja, käsinvärjätty posliinisavi, kupari, messinki, kuparoitu messinki, teräs, 2023Korutaiteilija Tytti Lindström, kuva: Juha ForsanderTytti Lindström, We Come in Pairs, uniikkien sormusten sarja, hopea (925, kumi, 2021-Tytti Lindström, The Unknown Species - Golden Forest, yksityiskohta puettavien seinäteosten installaatiosta, käsinvärjärjätty posliinisavi, messinki, kupari, hopea (925), kuparoitu messinki, teräs, 2023Tytti Lindström, Local Void, kolmen puettavan seinäteoksen sarja, posliinisavi, puu, oksidoitu hopea (925), kupari, kullattu messinki, kuparoitu messinki, teräs, 2021, kuva: Ulla-Mari Lindström


Veturitallinkuja 34, G-rappu, 2.krs
00520 Helsinki




Ceramics, Crafts, Design, Precious metals and jewellery art, Wood

Information about the artist / the group

I'm a Helsinki-based jewellery artist working in Pasila's old railway yard.

My works are highly abstract and almost always body-related. I am fascinated by the undefined and grey areas. I love when things and objects are not obvious, blur the lines and give space for various interpretations.

The scale of my work alternates from small jewellerylike objects to bigger wearable wall pieces. My works are often crafted from small metal and ceramic bits and pieces into bigger and flowing, fabriclike objects.

As having a dancing background, my work always seeks movement - moving, draping and flowing structures remind us of the everflowing life. I cherish the idea of multifunctionality - that the objects can been seen and worn in different ways.

Program during Konstrundan

During the event you can get to know my wearable wall pieces on display and shop at the studio vendors. For sale, e.g. older silver jewelry collections, unique jewelry and model pieces at low prices. A small serving.