79. Fabu Pires

Where are you going Eliisa, mixed media on canvas, 1.49 x 1.02 cm, 2024Only Boys, mixed media on canvas, 1.49 x 1.02 cm, 2023Hermetism, 79, 1.17 cm, textil, 2024


Uudenmaankatu 23
00120 Helsinki




Photography, Design, Drawing, Painting, Textile, Video and media art, Visual arts

Information about the artist / the group

Fabu Pires (BR/FI) is a multidisciplinary artist born in Taubaté, a city in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, in 1978. He lives and works in Helsinki, Finland. Fabu Pires' works are a junction or mixture of cults or religious doctrines, philosophies, ideologies, social systems or globalized cultural elements. Brazilian roots, life in Finland. In addition to his many collective and solo exhibitions, the artist is also known for his contribution to artistic research, working actively in reception centres, family homes, with children and young people of immigrant origin in Finland. In 2018 he joined the board of Kulttuuriyhdistämö Interkult, which organizes multicultural art events across Finland and whose task is to increase cultural diversity and integration.

Program during Konstrundan

This year I will be opening my space for visitors. I'm working on two exhibitions and have been having a productive year. I would like to be there to welcome people and be able to make myself more available to visitors who are interested in knowing more about the work processes and ideas behind them. That's why I decided this year not to offer art workshops at the same time as the visiting days when the event will be in progress.

www.fabupires.com, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fabupires, Instagram: @fabulospires @fabupires


Driving directions

Access through the front door of the Myymälä 2 gallery.