151. Anne Turkulainen

Anne Turkulainen, Yksinäisyyden saari, akryyli, 2022. koko 22 x 27 cmkuvaaja: Turun SanomatAnne Turkulainen, Maan äärellä, akryyli ja muste, 2024,  90 x 150 cmAnne Turkulainen, Maan muisti, akryyli ja muste, 2024, 90 x 150 cmAnne Turkulainen, Kohti Onnellisten saaria, akryyli, 2021, koko 90 x 60 cm


Kyrönsuontie 244
31520 Pitkäjärvi





Information about the artist / the group

I am a handicrafts and arts educator and visual artist from Somero. I work in the courtyard of an old farmhouse.

In my painting process I explore historical memories that are connected to nature. The works combine the landscapes of my present and former home: the islands of Lake Saimaa and the fields and fields of Somero. Both the water bodies and the soil of the fields have a story to tell. These landscapes are linked to strong emotional ties over generations - for some, the landscapes in the works may be a wistful memory of childhood landscapes, for others they are part of a present life or a utopia.

Program during Konstrundan

Welcome to my summer studio. I will show you my work and my painting processes. My works are also available for sale.

Driving directions

Drive towards Hämeen Härkätie: 13 km from Somero towards Koski and 15 km from Koski towards Somero. At the sign for the steep bend, turn to Kyrönsuontie. Follow this road for 2.440 km and you will reach the yard of the yellow house. Here you will be guided to park your car and enter the office.