161. Raimo Mattson


Malmgatan 12a A5
20100 ÅBO


040 5340139



Information about the artist / the group

I am from Eckerö on the Åland-islands but since the 1980s I have lived and worked as a visual artist and as a teacher in Turku. My origins as a fisherman's son and the fact that I grew up in the countryside have certainly colored my artistic expression, not only in terms of themes, but perhaps rather when it comes to moods and reflecting my view of life in my art. In my paintings, I strive to convey something that I myself call "a longing without loss". A kind of realistic, universal and pragmatic way of tackling existential challenges. I want my paintings to primarily convey a poetic calm, an inner balance, harmony.

Program during Konstrundan

I´m planning to show my art in my studio. I also hope to be able to have a exhibition in the old tram depot of the City of Turku at Amiraalistonkatu, in the same block.


Driving directions

Light blue wooden house (Turun Malmi) from the late 1800. Follow the signs to the studio.