156. Saija Hairo

KukkajuoruHehkukukkaKukinnostaSydänpolun kukka


Salokivenkuja 1 e 18
20320 Turku




Graphic art, Painting

Information about the artist / the group

I paint mainly nature-based events with a partly abstract approach. My collages feature people in the plant world, worshipping, wondering, benefiting or otherwise having a meaningful relationship with the plants. I also realize my visions through graphic methods, e.g., collage, lino and drawing.

Program during Konstrundan

I'll have an exhibition with my works at my home.

Saija Hairo Artpage I Turku, Turun Taidelainaamo, Facebook Saija Hairo, Facebook: Saija Hairo Artpage I Turku, Instagram: Saija Hairo

Driving directions

Fölibus number 2 in the centre of Turku takes off to Nättinummi, it takes 20 minutes to get here and 30 metres walk to Hairo.