91. Carita Savolainen - Kaapelitehdas

carita savolainen l'Air de l'Arbre II, oil, 180cm x 160cm, 2019carita savolainen, Hematomia IX, nut stain, ink and pencil on canvas, 30cm x 96cm, 2024carita savolainen , Salt RainPurpura XVIII, 29cm x 29cm, 2023carita savolainen , Burn XXVI, watercolor, ink, charcoal on paper 29cm x 29cm, 2023carita savolainen, Burn XXIII, watercolor, charcoal, ink on paper, 28cm x 28cm, 2023




Drawing, Painting, Visual arts

Information about the artist / the group

My work, mainly painting and drawing, is strongly linked to a sense of experiencing nature and the current state of our environment. My work deals with beauty and the fear of its loss. We are in the landscape and we are the landscape.
I have been working with landscape paintings for over twenty years. My work has evolved as the landscape has evolved and the traces of that evolution leave their mark on my paintings.
I regularly participate in exhibitions in Europe and beyond (France, Belgium, China, Mexico, Japan...) with works that emphasise the connection with nature through different visual means.
My works are in several public and private collections in Finland and abroad.

Program during Konstrundan

Presentation of my work and discussion with visitors. Coffee and tea.

Driving directions

Enter from trapdoor C and take the lift to the third floor via the door opposite the lift.