187. STUDIO T Barck Tiina

Fleur  Konstnären vid en utställning Vassen , en serie i grafik Linjerna , grafik Blomster , collage


Segelmakargatan 9 B4
22100 Mariehamn


+358 400 722891


Ceramics, Graphic art, Painting

Information about the artist / the group

I am a painting visual artist. The painting is often to explore colours, shapes , surfaces - harmonious wholes. I also work with graphics in different techniques. Nature is my main inspiration: plants, flowers, mountains, rocks, the sea ,trees, wild animals, birds, etc. The beauty is in everything.

Program during Konstrundan

Making monotypes

Instagram: studio_tb

Driving directions

South towards Västernäs, turn right towards Lotsgatan, follow the road towards Segelmakargatan, last house on the right before the day care centre.