16. Ulla Laisi-Taide & rela-Kissankulma

JoulunhenkiTaivas korkeallaVäkiOho...


Käsityöläistie 6
49900 Virolahti




Drawing, Graphic art, Painting, Precious metals and jewellery art, Visual arts

Information about the artist / the group

I am a visual artist and an entrepreneur in the arts and well-being sector from Vederlax. My artistic production is extensive, I am a rather complex person, therefore I often create several series of works/genres in parallel. More commercial, as well as less commercial, more works that create my own thoughts and feelings. Welcome to take a look at my studio!

Program during Konstrundan

Open doors in the workshop. On display there is a whole spectrum of my own work.
A pop-up café, a chance to sit down for a while and chat about art with art lovers.


Driving directions

Small red wooden house at the end of Käsityöläistie.