238. Teemu Raudaskoski - Makers' Gallery

PerhepotrettiHannula & RaudaskoskiVieraita odotellessaVallitsijaKoodarit


Kirkkopuistikko 18
65100 Vaasa





Accessible for persons with reduced mobility

Information about the artist / the group

I am a multidisciplinary visual artist from Tampere. In addition to my own projects, I make joint paintings with visual artist Inka Hannula. We carry out joint paintings simultaneously on the same canvas, continuing each other's painting results.We do not plan the works in advance, but let improvisation and collaboration drive the process forward. The creation of the works is influenced by the music playing in the background, the dialogue between the two artists and coincidence. The end result of the painting process is always a surprise and And afterwards we don't always recognize which imprint both of us have made.

During Konstrundan, Makers' Gallery displays our colourful abstract collective paintings.

Program during Konstrundan

We participate in Konstrundan as part of our exhibition at Makers' Gallery. We will be there on Saturday to present our works. We also hold two half-hour movement improvisation workshops based on our paintings. Inka directs the exercises and I improvise the electronic soundscape. The idea is to approach the interpretation of art through bodily exercises. The workshop does not require any previous experience of dance or improvisation and is suitable for everyone.