224. Anne Saarinen - Laukaan taideateljeet

Anne Saarinen,  Punajuurikkaat, Akryyli kuusivanerille, 80x120cm, 2023Työhuoneella Italiassa 2023Anne Saarinen, Kaalimaa, Akryyli vanerille, 120x80cm, 2023Anne Saarinen, Artisokat, Akryyli vanerille, 90x75cm, 2022


Kantolantie 442
41340 Laukaa





Information about the artist / the group

I am a painter from Jyväskylä. My studio is in Laukaa art studios in Kuhankoski. In my expression, I am a maximalist colorist. My paintings are full of color and energy. I am particularly inspired by the garden's light, contrasts and structure, as well as the shapes and colors of the useful plants. Gardening is important to me, which is why useful plants, which are undervalued in painting, often feature prominently in my works. I see beauty in the modesty of useful plants and strive to bring it out expressively. My way of painting is physical and intuitive. I paint my works with acrylic paints, which best support my strong use of line. I am an art teacher FM for education. I work as a visual arts teacher and creative designer in a marketing office.

Program during Konstrundan

My studio is open during the Konstrundan weekend.

Driving directions

Instructions from Kantolantie. Parking space available.