149. Seppo Lagom -Vanhapappila

Seppo Lagom

Teoksen nimi:  Sisäinen maisema
Tekniikka:  Öljypastelli paperille
Mitat: 20x20cm
Vuosi: 2023
Kuvaaja: Seppo LagomKuva:  Seppo Lagom työympäristössäSeppo Lagom

Teoksen nimi: Näytösalkaa
Tekniikka:  Öljypastelli paperille.
Mitat: 20x20cm kehystetty
Vuosi: 2021
Kuvaala: Seppo Lagom
Seppo Lagom

Teoksen nimi:  Koiran elämää
Tekniikka: Öljypastelli paperille
Mitat: 50x50x4 cm
Vuosi: 2021
Kuvaaja: Seppo LagomSeppo Lagom

Teoksen nimi: Onnellisuus
Tekniikka: Öljypastelli paperille
Mitat. 50x50x4cm
Vuosi: 2021
Kuvaaja: seppo Lagom


Suomusjärventie 266A
25390 Kiikala, Salo




Drawing, Painting

Information about the artist / the group

Over the years, my paintings have gathered around me influences from nature that i like and accept. I draw these experiences and observations in sketchbooks. These images are important because then I see my inner visions as images end they confirm my interpretation. I like to move in nature , that´s why we moved to the bosom of nature years ago. Here
you can see the changes in light and colors and the starry sky. I started using sketchbooks in 1996 in Grassina, Italy and the need is daily, they tell me a lot about my inner state of mind.

Program during Konstrundan

In my studio, I am there and present my works and their technical production methods, and people can see my workspace where I make the works. I will also organize an exhibition of my works in the old personage, there will be about 40 paintings and coffee will be served.


Driving directions

When you come to the E18 highway from the direction of Turku, drive in from the Suomusjärventie and drive about 6,7 km, you will see a light yellow long building on the right side of the road, you are there.
When you come from the E18 highway from the direction of Helsinki, enter from the Suomusjärvi exit and turn right onto
Suomusjärventie and drive about 6,7 km and you will see a light yellow long building on the right, you are there.