Konstrundan, also known as The Art Circuit, is an open studio event that takes place every year during the first weekend of September. The event is free of charge for visitors. The participants pay a small participation fee.
Enjoy a visit in the creative work space!
As a visitor, you have the chance to meet artists, artisans and designers all over Finland. Most of the participants are situated in the bilingual regions along the coast, and on the Åland Islands, but there are also participants also in eg. Tampere, Hämeenlinna, Mikkeli and in Lapland.
The first art circuit was arranged in 2008 as part of the foundation Svenska Kultufonden’s centennial programme. The idea came from similar events with long traditions in southern Sweden. The culture association Grand is the organizer.
The event has evolved from a mainly Swedish-speaking event with about 80 places to visit along the coast, and on the Åland Islands, to a multilingual event taking place all over Finland. In 2023, around 350 creatives presented themselves and their work to visitors. There is a strong demand for an open studio event, both among visitors and participants. During the weekend of 2023 we counted more than 31 000 visitors!
Precious meetings
At Konstrundan, the encounter between visitor and artist, artisan and designer is relaxed and undemanding. The studios vibrate with interesting discussions and creative moments. At Konstrundan you can also buy art and products directly from the manufacturer without intermediaries.
There are a lot of activities arranged around and during Konstrundan, both for visitors and participants. Often, the participants demonstrate their techniques or offer small workshops for the public. The visitors may participate in Konstrundan's art raffle. You get one raffle ticket per studio visited, free of charge. Konstrundan buys the prizes from the participants, and they are presented both on the website and in the newspaper prior to the event.
During Art Friday we offer a free art assignment for all children of primary school age. The assignment is presented by an artist on a film. The assignment is available in Swedish and Finnish.
Participate in the art raffle or try different techniques in the studios.