Here we answer some of the most frequently asked questions about Konstrundan.
Konstrundan is an open studios event organised every year in September. For one weekend, professional artists, craftsmen and designers open the doors of their studios to the public.
What is Konstrundan?
Konstrundan has been arranged since 2008. During the Konstrundan weekend professional artists, craftsmen and designers open the doors to their studios for the public. In 2024 404 creatives opened their doors.
Read more here!
What does it cost to visit the artists and craftsmen?
It is free of charge! You can support the makers by buying their work.
Where does Konstrundan take place?
Creatives all around Finland participate in the event, from Tammisaari in the South to Inari in Lapland, and from Lappeenranta in the East to Eckerö in the Åland islands.
How do I find information about the participants?
The list of participants in 2025 will be published in the Spring! You can then search by name, region and technique. In the participators profiles you can read more about them.
Can I buy work from the participants during Konstrundan?
You can buy art or other products directly from most of the participating artists and craftspersons. Many also have small things like postcards or books for sale. Keep in mind that at most of the places you can pay by card, but it's good to have some cash as well.
How do I find the studios?
You can find the map and the addresses to all the studios in the artist profiles.
What is art the raffle and how do I participate?
The participants of Konstrundan suggest their work as prizes for the raffle. You can find the prizes at the back of the Konstrundan newspaper and on the website. At every studio you can fill in a raffle ticket, the raffle is free of charge. The winners will be personally contacted in October.
What is Art Friday?
During Art Friday we offer a free art assignement for all children of primary school age. The assignment is presented by an artist on a film. The children's work can then be shared on social media #artfriday #konstensfredag #taiteenperjantai.
The assignement is published on the website September 1st and it is available in Swedish and Finnish.
In order to also offer older children something, we suggested that school and student groups could visit artist studios during the Friday before the actual Konstrundan.
Who finances Konstrundan?
From the start Svenska Kulturfonden and Föreningen Konstsamfundet have been the main supporters of Konstrundan. In these past years the event has gotten financial support from many different foundations.
In the year 2021 Konstrundas has gotten financial support from Svenska Kultufronden, Föreningen Konstsamfundet, Stiftelsen Brita Maria Renlunds minne, Eugène, Elisabeth och Birgit Nygréns stiftelse, Stiftelsen Emilie och Rudolf Gesellius fond, William Thurings stiftelse and Waldemar von Frenckells siftelse.
Who is behind Konstrundan?
Kulturförening Grand r.f. is the organizer of Konstrundan. The 25-year-old association protects and supports cultural activities in Porvoo. Lucka i Borgå was opened in 1999 under the auspices of Grand and continues to operate in its premises. Their mission includes being a Swedish room in central Porvoo and an important meeting place for associations, companies and individual actors. Read more about Kulturföreningen Grand here.
Is participation free?
All applicants pay an application fee of EUR 20. With the fee a part of the administative costs is covered.
When can I apply?
The application period is in January-February, approximately 20 Jan. - 20 Feb. Dates may change a bit from year to year. In 2025 the application period is 20.1-20.2.2025.
Who is entitled to take part in Konstrundan?
Any professional artist, craftsperson or designer within Finland. By professional, we mean an active practitioner who has either adequate education or / and the working experience to call themselves a professional. You can read the application criteras here.
Do I need a studio to take part?
The goal of Konstrundan is to enable encounters between the creative practitioner and the visitor to portray the working environment of the practitioner. This encounter can take place in an atelier, in the practitioner's home or somewhere completely else, such as in the public space.
When does the next Konstrundan take place?
In 2025, Konstrundan will be organised over the first weekend of September, 6-7 Sept., 2025.
From whom does Konstrundan receive funding?
As of today, Konstrundan has relied mostly on support from finnish-swedish foundations. In the future, we are looking to involve also finnish foundations. Further we also hope to sell more advertisments, gain sponsors and we are looking into the possibility of founding an own supporting organisation for Konstrundan.
Who is in the jury?
The jury, consisting of representatives in respective fields of arts, crafts and design, processes each application and evaluates it in the context of the application criterias. In order for the jury to function independently, it remains anonymous.
Where do the lottery prizes come from?
Konstrundan chooses the prizes from different regions of the country.
On the page For participants we have gathererd useful information about participaiting in Konstrundan.