20. Vuokko Salmenkivi - ArtVuorela

Vuokko Salmenkvivi ArtVuorela 2022liljatylosnousemusVastavalossa


Iitintie 810
47520 Iitti




Fotografi, Måleri, Teckning, Övrigt

Information om konstnären/gruppen

When I retired 2 years ago, I bought an old log house in Iitti, where I set up an art shop and summer gallery ArtVuorela. In addition to my own exhibition, the gallery hosts 2-3 visiting artists during the summer. I have participated in Konstrundan in Kotka before and now for 2 autumns in ArtVuorela. I paint mainly with acrylics using a palette knife. I also photograph and make artworks (photoencaustic) with beeswax from my pictures. The subjects vary from natural landscapes and people to abstract subjects. My painting time has not increased since retirement for understandable reasons. I am still waiting for the time to devote to painting "full time". My actual art training is at the Repin Institute in Kotka under the guidance of teachers from the St. Petersburg Art Academy in 2013-2014.

https://www.facebook.com/ArtVuorela/ https://www.instagram.com/artvuorela/


Från Kausala ca 6,5 km mot Iitti kyrka. I byn Iitti mellan Iitti kyrka och golfbana. till gården via Mullikkamäientie.